DIRIGER UNE PME-PMI-ETI en période hautement inflationniste
L'inflation est partout et change profondément l'organisation des entreprises.
L'énergie, les matières premières, les salaires ...
- Comment naviguer au mieux dans cet environnement ?
- Que risque-t-il de se passer dans les 6, 12, 24 prochains mois ?
- Quelle stratégie achat adopter ?
Voilà des questions que se posent un grand nombre de dirigeants.
EXPENSE REDUCTION ANALYSTS propose un Webinaire le 13 octobre prochain de 15 à 16h.
Ricardo REIS, économiste de la London School of Economics (LES) éclairera les dirigeants d’entreprises de son expertises pour identifier des stratégies business et les nouvelles opportunités créées dans l’environnement de marché inflationniste tel qu’on le rencontre aujourd’hui.
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Un Webinaire qualitatif par un speaker invité au FMI pour échanger avec Christine LAGARDE? (Video) .
This October, Expense Reduction Analysts invites you to attend our next ‘Ignite’ virtual event as we welcome award-winning economist and professor at the London School of Economics, Ricardo Reis.
The rising cost of inflation is severely impacting world business.
Raw materials, packaging and shipping prices continue to rise while businesses contend with extreme supply chain disruption, rising energy costs and overwhelming labour shortages. Mainly driven by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and compounded by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, inflation continues to occupy the desks (and minds) of corporate leaders everywhere.
An authoritative voice on the topic of inflation and one of the world's leading macroeconomists, Ricardo will share his forecast on the direction inflation is taking us.
Part of that forecast includes identifying some of the immediate challenges facing companies and the practical measures they can take to reduce negative impacts.
Ricardo will also provide expert insight on strategies for business recovery and even explore opportunities for companies to thrive in an inflationary market.
Ricardo Reis, an Award-Winning Economist, Professor & Author
Ricardo Reis is an award-winning Portuguese economist and professor at the London School of Economics. As a specialist in the field of inflation and macroeconomics, Ricardo was recently awarded the prestigious Yrjö Jahnsson award from the European Economic Association and sits on the advisory council of many central banks. Prior to his current position, Ricardo Reis was one of the youngest professors in the history of Columbia University.
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